We are a publishing cooperative:
Empowering the Feminine & Embracing the Masculine |
We seek engaged ways to feel whole by: Empowering the Feminine Moving toward love and understanding, we embrace fluid and subtle communication styles and inspire humans to speak from their true heart. Solar Moon Press encourages you all to find your personal truth, regardless of mainstream patriarchal constructs and conventions. We embrace and encourage that which is trying to come to life from within you. Come to us as you are: sweet, powerful, sensitive, grumpy, sensual, creative, and irate. |
We are inclusive and collaborative as we: Embrace the MasculineHonoring the externally powerful and expressive nature of masculine life force energy, we cherish its ability to help us move outward and beyond our perceived constraints and limitations. Calling upon it to take our internal and fluid, femininely conceived collaborative creations, and bring them into the world. Celebrating the masculine wisdom and creations that have contributed beauty and a path forward, we join the conversation on finding powerful ways to learn from our patriarchal societal mistakes. |